Running servers as daemons

A wise man once said, “To access your server anytime, you gotta keep it running all the time.” You can’t make use of shell if you use the shell to run your server. It is of no issue during development because you are on your local computer. You have GUI....

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Tags: linux daemons

Mouth harmonica is breath taking (literally)

I have been singing since I can remember. Though I am a mediocre singer, my love for music has only grown with time. I taught myself to play harmonium when I was 12 years old. It was an instant love with the instrument. Over these most recent years, I learnt...

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A better internet because of DNS

DNS stands for Domain Name System, which is basically a method of assigning cute nicknames to ugly IP addresses. Every devices on network has their IP addresses. I dont want to talk about IP addresses in detail in this blog, however IP addresses distinguish devices on the network. Suppose we...

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