The commands I list here might not be quite useful but they are fun :p Check these out when you’re bored. Some commands here wont be installed already but are available on repositories. In that instance, install them with your package manager.

  1. Weather
    Did you know you can check weather forecast of any city from terminal? With this command you can. Your terminal will suggest if you should take umbrella to work today or not ;)


  2. htop
    htop is an interactive process viewer(similar to windows’ task manager). Needless to say, it looks hot and in the mean time you can inspect processes ongoing.


  3. banner
    With this command, you can get nicely formatted text of asterisks.

     banner text

  4. lolcat
    lolcat provides rainbow coloring effect for text console display. Remember, it doesnt come pre-installed in your system. So install it from package manager your distro supports.

     echo 'text' | lolcat

  5. sl
    sl generates a moving ASCII train. According to its man page, it is developed to cure habit of mistyping. When someone mistypes sl for ls, they suffer. You can combine sl with lolcat to generate rainbow colored train. :D
